This has been quite the interesting week! As you may know, my husband works away from home for long stretches. Because of that, I’m very used to spending a lot of time alone. I’m okay with that because I’m an introvert – I enjoy alone time more often than not. But this has been a VERY social week (and I’m okay with that too).
A good friend of mine had a hotel room for two nights for out of town work training and invited me to come stay. On Tuesday I drove to meet her and we spent two nights eating sushi and chocolate frogs, drinking champagne, and shopping. On Thursday I returned home and my mom came to stay with me for two nights! Saturday night I went to watch my brother get his first tattoo of the Narnia lamp post!
This also turned out to be a very expensive week as I discovered my car was so out of alignment that I needed new tires. But I’m grateful that I found out when I did since I’ll be driving down to Florida later in the month (hurray!).
It has been a great week for books and giveaways too! If you haven’t checked it out already please go take a look at the Trollhunters giveaway (in the sidebar —->)! The prize pack provided by Disney-Hyperion is really amazing! I also received a copy of Of Dreams and Rust from Sarah Fine, along with an extra copy to giveaway when I post my review next week!! Finally, I’ve received signed books from three authors as part of a big end of summer giveaway I’m planning on hosting later in the month! Yay for free books!!
On Tuesday I hosted a giveaway for Trollhunters by Guillermo del Toro
Thursday audiobook review of The Mirk and Midnight Hour
Two Phantom of the Opera retellings battled it out in Friday’s Paper to Popcorn