Wow, what a week! Monday started off slow with some work and some hanging out around the house. My husband and I are preparing for our family to visit for 9 days, so we actually do have a lot to get ready for! All of that had to be put on hold halfway through the week as we started preparing for Hurricane Matthew, which was expected to be devastating even in Orlando. After moving the patio furniture inside and stocking up on water, we hunkered down and waited. We did feel a lot of wind and there was quite a bit of rain, but there weren’t much hurricane effects where we live (thank goodness).
After the hurricane it was just a lot of waiting. There was a mandatory curfew put into effect for Orlando, punishable by a fine(!), so we had to hang out inside for the majority of Friday. Even after the curfew was lifted we weren’t comfortable driving, so we finished watching American Horror Story Hotel! I made some progress on Gemina so yay for that! On Saturday we went out to Islands of Adventure for a couple hours and tried the new Kong ride. The weather was great by that point. Now my family in North Carolina is facing a huge flood threat so I’m hoping they’re all okay! I hope everyone else out there is safe too!
The topic was my favorite villains for Top Ten Tuesday
On Wednesday I posted link-ups for the horror & dystopia challenges
I featured Flame In the Mist for Waiting on Wednesday
On Friday I shared survival books to make you feel ready for anything
This Week I Read