Obviously, Christmas started the week! I spent the holidays with my family in North Carolina – my first trip home since the same time last year. I was absolutely NOT productive and didn’t get much reading done, but I’m giving myself a pass this week. On Tuesday my brother and I drove back down to Florida. Other than a hundred miles of stop-and-go traffic in South Carolina, it wasn’t too bad. I’ve spent the rest of the week hanging out with my brother while he’s visiting. We spent New Years Eve binge-watching Survivor and playing board games – wild, I know! Thank goodness 2016 is over!
Monday ARC review of RoseBlood
The topic was favorite 2016 reads for Top Ten Tuesday
Thursday ARC review of Ever the Hunted
On Saturday I talked about retellings I want to read in 2017
Upcoming Reviews
We’re linking up to Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post!