Happy Monday, everyone!! I hope your weekend was fantastic and that you’re having a great start to the week! (Okay, I’m just trying to hype up Mondays, but we know they all suck – go get yourself a cupcake!)
I’m here to put out the call for guest posters for the blog! It’s possible that I’ve mentioned once or twice that I’ll be going on vacation later this summer. There will be a few weeks where I may or may not have wifi and my blog posting capabilities will be questionable. MC will still be here and of course I’ll blog ahead, but it does seem like a great opportunity for guest posts!
Maybe you’re wondering why you would even bother writing a post for a blog that isn’t yours. Of course, it takes a lot of time and effort to think up a post and bring it to life!
Guest posting is awesome for a few reasons. Most importantly, it give you the opportunity to bring new readers to your own blog. If someone reads your post here and loves it, chances are they’ll follow your link to your blog to find out more! Guest posting can gain you readers and new followers via linkbacks to your blog and social media accounts. It allows you to reach an audience you may not have had access to. Maybe my readers have never met you and now they’ll have that chance! Lastly, guest posting is helping out a friend! Earlier this year when I was moving into my new house, I had some amazing friends offer to contribute guest posts and it was so helpful to have their amazing content on my blog! Not to mention, the breath of fresh air that new writers can bring to a blog.
We’re looking for whatever you want to write – book reviews, bookish lists, discussions, author interviews, or anything else you can think up! If you’d like to contribute a post on Cornerfolds this September, you can fill out the form here!