Moon – This movie has been on my watchlist for a few years, but I never committed to watching it until last night. I was in the mood for something a little slower and weirder than normal so I finally gave it a try. Moon was way less weird than I expected, but it was really unsettling in a lot of ways. The isolation of being in space for three years alone is terrifying enough, but the twist made it a whole lot more disturbing. I’m not a big fan of sci-fi movies but this is one I’ll probably be adding to my collection! (4/5 stars)
Schitt’s Creek Seasons 4 & 5 – Perhaps not shockingly, after binge watching the first three seasons in a week, I did the same with seasons four and five of Schitt’s Creek. This show is hilarious and is my kind of humor! I don’t usually like sitcoms or comedy in general, but I could really watch a hundred more hours of this funny, heartwarming show. I loved how much the characters have grown since season one and their individual journeys were so fun to watch. I am also now convinced that Moira and David are the best characters on television. Every single time Moira opens her mouth I crack up! I really need to find more shows like this one. (5/5 stars)
Orange Is the New Black Season 6 – I started OITNB season six back when it was released, but ended up becoming pretty bored with it and stopped watching. With season seven coming out I decided it was time to catch up. While I am glad I finished it (and am enjoying season seven), this season of Orange Is the New Black is easily the least compelling of the series. I did enjoy a couple of the storylines, but overall I definitely didn’t love it like the others. I think ending this series a bit sooner would have been the best call, but I’m hoping the last season takes it out on a high note. (3.5/5 stars)

What’s the last show you binge watched?