Hi everyone! This has been a HORRIBLE blogging week. Yikes. I suck.
Shockingly, it has been another absolutely wild week down in Central Florida. My husband and I have been working hard on a thousand projects before family comes to visit for the holidays, the dogs had their nails cut, I continued working on my library, made a 45 minute drive to get BN Queen of Nothing, poured a million candles, went to a fancy schmancy afternoon tea at Disney World, and FINALLY READ A BOOK! I also finally got the DNA results for my dog! I’ll be sharing some more about that coming up soon.
I need a vacation. I need a blogcation. I swear, I would love to be able to just sit down and blog for a day straight. I miss you guys so much and I miss blog hopping. I feel like the absolute worse blogging friend ever. I promise I’ll be back to normal blogging as soon as I can and I might even host a giveaway. Who knows? Has anyone else ever found themselves involuntarily taking a break from the blogging world?
The topic was changes in my reading life for Top Ten Tuesday
Friday ARC review of The Deathless Girls

I’m linking up to Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post!