Hi everyone! Well, it has been another hectic, emotionally draining week and I haven’t gotten a single book read from start to finish. I did start reading The Deathless Girls and I’m honestly not sure if I like it so far. I didn’t think I’d finish it this week, but alas. I also finally started The City of Brass and I am INTO it! I’m torn between hoping I love it and being scared of the collection I’ll have to complete if I do. :/
Candle business has been BOOMING and it has been stressful. Earlier this year I began making candles for a local spa. All the orders from them have been quite small and manageable, but all of a sudden they’re ordering more than I usually make in a few months and I’m overwhelmed. Like, I’m happy for the business, but I’m probably going to be roping my husband into helping me soon.
Speaking of roping my husband into helping, we also started upgrading my library/office this week! Paint is finally on the walls after a fiasco with the paint being… not great. We ended up with four coats of two different brands of paint, so yay. Next are a couple more shelves, curtains, and a chandelier! I can’t wait! I’ll try and share some pictures next week.
The topic was Christmas vibes for Top Ten Tuesday
Thursday ARC review of Winterwood
Things were less spooky than expected for Saturday Screen Time
I’m linking up to Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post!