Pondathon is here! I had no idea what this was until I saw AJ mention it over at Read All the Things! and I immediately needed to know more. It turns out that this read-a-thon is unlike any I’ve ever seen before and it’s AWESOME! The Pondathon is a co-operative and narrative-driven readathon that sounds so freaking cool! It runs from January 24th – March 7th. You can find the first post with all the details and the beginning of the story here!
In the Pondathon there are teams and each team has a unique ability and can do different things to earn points to save the pond. I joined Team Xiaolong because I am the worst mood reader I know and this team allows me to read as I normally would (but hopefully more)!

Each Pondathon participant can also create their own unique character to assist in the battle! Over the years an orange fox has become a bit of an unofficial mascot around Cornerfolds.com and so my character only made sense!

I love my lil fox so much and I can’t wait for her to help fight the battle to save the pond! Of course, it’s kind of hard to create a TBR list when the only goal is to read, but I thought I’d share a few of the books I definitely want to read before the battle is over!
Are you participating in the Pondathon?
What character would you be?
Let me know in the comments!