Happy Saturday, bookworms! Yes, I’m still alive. Things have been all over the place, but more on that in tomorrow’s recap. Today I want to share that this month I will be hosting a retellings read-a-thon as part of the 2020 Retellings Reading Challenge! If you haven’t already signed up for the challenge, you can do that HERE! And don’t forget to join the Goodreads group to take part in the discussions that are sure to take place.
- This read-a-thon will take place from Wednesday, May 13th at 12am (your time zone) through May 20th at 11:59pm.
- The goal of this read-a-thon is to read as many retellings as you can during the weeklong challenge.
- You can gain points for the giveaway by signing up, reading books, and participating in challenges!
- You’re encouraged to create a discussion topic for the books you’re reading in the Goodreads group so discussion can take place!
- Challenges will be posted throughout the read-a-thon. Each challenge will gain you points.
- The final giveaway will be for any kindle ebook or physical book retelling of your choice up to $10.
Signing up is simple! Just fill out the form HERE and get your first point for the giveaway! Check back starting May 13th for challenges and more!
Will you be joining us?
What retelling are you dying to read?
Let me know in the comments!