Before Sunset – I will be honest and say that Before Sunrise bored me almost to tears. I read reviews saying that if you were over 30 and married you would enjoy Before Sunset more, but I was skeptical. Alas, the reviews were correct because I identified so much with the characters in Before Sunset! I think everyone can relate to wondering what if you’d made one different decision or what if you’d given someone a chance when you chose not to. I haven’t watched Before Midnight yet, but I’m really hoping it doesn’t rip my heart out (but it probably will and that’s fine). (4/5 stars)
Freaky – My husband and I went to see this at the drive in (so much fun!) and really had no idea what it was about. We were both so excited when we realized it was a retelling of Freaky Friday but with a teenager and a serial killer! It was about as fun as you’d expect. There was a surprising amount of gore, but it definitely falls into the horror/comedy genre and I loved it! There’s a good chance I’ll buy this when it comes out. (4.5/5 stars)
Free Fall – Speaking of movies that rip your heart out, this one will definitely do it. Free Fall is a German film about two men who meet in police academy. One has a girlfriend with a child on the way and the other is openly gay. Unexpected romance sparks and they have to deal with the fallout and it’s heartbreaking and I loved it. Apparently there has been a sequel in the works for years, but many people have lost hope even though it was crowdfunded. (4/5 stars)
Portrait of a Lady On Fire – I know this is a movie that most people love, but it just didn’t work for me. I was hoping for a movie that would be heartbreaking (as was my mood this month), but I ended up just being bored out of my mind. This film follows two girls who meet and fall in love over the course of a few days before having to part ways, but it is two hours long and nothing happens. I enjoy slow burn movies a lot, but this one was painfully slow and I wish the romance had been built up to be more believable. It was really pretty though. (2/5 stars)
Madame Bovary – I didn’t hate Madame Bovary by any means, but I really wish there’d been more. More explanation about her motivations, more believability in her various relationships, and more Ezra Miller. I still enjoyed parts of it and I loved that I could feel Madame Bovary’s desperation even if I didn’t exactly understand where it came from. Reviews make me think I should give the book a try. (3/5 stars)

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia – I started watching this after seeing it on a million lists and being met with shock every time I said I hadn’t seen it. It’s definitely a fun show to turn on when there’s nothing else to watch, but I have to say it isn’t one of my favorites. At 5 seasons in, I’d place Parks & Recreation and Schitt’s Creek above it. That being said, I’m enjoying the show and will definitely continue watching. (3/5 stars)
Little Fires Everywhere – I finally started this and I can’t believe I waited so long! The characters are basically all horrible, but I think not having a clear good or bad guy was what made it so compelling. I did wish there was more wrap up at the end of the series, but I was satisfied with how it ended for the most part. (4/5 stars)

Any great heartbreaking movie recs?