Hi, everyone! This week I didn’t get around to posting much because 1) it was my birthday week! and 2) I got my second covid shot. For my birthday I got to go to Animal Kingdom for an outdoor lunch and to walk some animal trails. Things aren’t back to normal, but it’s nice to be able to go get lunch and not feel like I’m probably going to die of covid. My husband also ordered cupcakes, which was amazing! I will use any excuse to eat cake.
My second covid vaccine was a doozy, but I would do it again and again! I got the shot on Thursday and was exhausted within a few hours, but not much else. That night I slept horribly and Friday was pretty rough. I was sooooo tired, had a headache, and my back and shoulders were killing me. I spent the day doing a puzzle and watching Netflix on the couch, but luckily I slept like a baby Friday night and felt back to normal on Saturday. It wasn’t the best experience, but totally worth it to get things back to normal!
The topic was titles as Crayola colors for Top Ten Tuesday
I’m linking up to Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post!