Hi, everyone! This has been A WEEK! I spent Sunday through Friday getting Christmas candle orders made and ready to ship, then finally got them all in the mail. It was EXHAUSTING, but it’s finished! It also explains why there’s only one new post this week. Also all week, I’ve been itching like crazy! I’ve always had seasonal allergies, but this was seemingly out of nowhere and without discernible cause. It also wasn’t significantly improved with my daily allergy medicine and, by Saturday, I had to make a trip to urgent care because it was just so bad. The doctor had literally no idea what was causing it so he gave me steroids and suggested I go to Cleveland Clinic. :/ Soooo that’s fun! At least it’s just annoying and not painful, I guess. But in better news, my brother gets here Tuesday and I can’t wait to do all the fun Christmas things with him! We’re starting his trip by watching Krampus (he may or not know that).
I posted my 2021 End of Year Survey
I’m linking up to Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post!